Turning PGG into a ‘Post Growth Business’ - volume 1

Written By Oscar Haumann

Looking into ownership and governance structures

We are beginning to discover how to make PGG a non-extractive business

and future-proofing that. And phew, we have quite the journey ahead.

This read leaves many questions unanswered. But we thought it worth sharing, even in this initial phase.

The steps you are about to read are the thoughts and questions we had at the time and have not been updated in the last three months as we have learned more. This will give you the best insights into our process and the steps you might also go through.

Why even look into structures?

During our research, we learned that the structure of our company is a crucial part of making it non-extractive, a central part of building a Post Growth Business.

But what does non-extractive mean, and how can we future-proof our structure and purpose?

Those are the questions we want to answer, or so we think.

Step 1 - Initial research

Reading about the different company structures on the Danish government site www.virk.dk (this is, of course, only relevant for people in Denmark)

Objective: Get a basic understanding. Know what questions to ask in upcoming meetings.

Output: There are two types of cooperative structures.

Next step: Talk to someone running a cooperative. How does it work is praxis?

Step 2 - Meeting Rasmus Willig from Andelgaarde

We wrote to Rasmus and asked if we could hear more about his work with Andelsgaarde. He said yes!

Objective: Get context. What is the legal structure they are running? Building a cooperative in Denmark, what is his primary learning?
